Thursday, January 29, 2009

15 Ways to Boost Self-Loathing and Self-Deprecation!

You have achieved Self-Deprecation and the righteous term "ASS" if you carry out the following easy steps:

1. Listen NOT to yourself.
2. Do whatever OTHERS tell you to.
3. Do NOT voice your opinions.
4. Keep your mouth SHUT.
5. Let OTHERS walk all over you.
6. Do EVERYthing in your power to please OTHERS.
7. Restrict YOURSELF from opportunities.
8. Keep yourself BOTTLED up.
9. Actively support OTHERS in spite of wrongdoings.
10. Hurt OTHERS in the process (Refer to 9.).
11. Do NOT fee bad if someone hurts YOU.
12. Do NOT mention anything good in your life.
13. Thank God that he's blessed you with OTHERS.
14. Listen and only listen, do NOT speak
15. Listen to this crappy post.

If you care to notice the word "OTHERS" can be referred to as "friends", but then I thought, wait a minute if they let you do this to yourself and somehow they are in a small way responsible for your situation then how in the world could they be written, spoken about/to, referred, thought of, described as a FRIEND.
Yes, they are not FRIENDS, what they are though, are the OTHERS (I couldn't resist but it sounds so cliched and movie-like... Anyway back to the point) . They dont care about honey, they're with you because you are an easy target, the little black lamb they can push around, influence, control to do their bidding, take out their frustration on. The problem with the OTHERS/bullies/pushovers are that they themselves are insecure because they like you need something/someone to control and have greater weaknesses. The fact remains that what you truly believe in and do for the OTHERS is too big and good for them to do it theirselves.
So, if you think life is aplayground for them think again. They probably have itworse than you do. If you notice even in the movies and cartoon clips alot of the bullies end up crying at the end of the show/movie because they have overturned by their "underlings"/"bitches"/pushed-ones. What is their biggest strength is an even greater weakness. Its just like in I Robot when the robots lost control and got at the humans. Something like that. So yeah, think about it.

Dont be pushed. Walk. Head high. Cool. Independent. Good. Help them instead. Oops. I mean help the OTHERS. Where else do you think cynicism comes from?

"Reason can wrestle and overthrow terror".
-Euripides (Greek Playwright)